Ornamental Seashells and starfish

Decorating and enriching home or work environments with the most original and pleasing solutions is a wish of many people: the solutions available are really numerous and satisfy the tastes of everyone. In particular, those who love the sea and the summer wish to be able to insert inside the ambiences where they live the elements that bring to mind the beach and the marine environment. For this reason the use of beautiful shells and starfish is the desire of all those who love the sea and those pleasant sensations of wellbeing and relaxation that they feel when you are on holiday, maybe just in a beautiful beach with a heavenly frame.

The shells and starfish that are part of our collection are absolutely particular and not easy to find in nature, unique elements able to capture the attention of those who observe them, thanks to the beautiful colors and peculiar shapes that characterize them. They allow you to recreate, both at home and within a commercial exercise, that same marine environment in which you can usually admire them.

The products we offer are therefore perfect to allow anyone to realize beautiful arrangements, creations or embellishments simply by exploiting their own imagination and manual skill, combining the elements of the sea, be they shells (of any size and typology) or splendid starfish.

Taking the cue from the typical dwellings of the sea areas or the furnishings of the classic maritime tradition it will be enough to use some creativity, to achieve those desired results and to recreate in the home a small part of that marine environment so beloved and sought after by all: from the frames to the candle-sticks, from the photo albums to the ideas to enrich furniture and shelves. All you have to do is simply to leaf through our online catalogue to discover the splendour and elegance of the products we offer. We have a very long experience in the field of import/export, and that allows us to know what the tastes and expectations of our customers are, always offering products  perfectly in line with those that are the market trends.


The wide range of our goods is able to meet any type of request regarding metarials and colours


Our flagship is the colouring made on request, which allows to obtain colors always vivid, which guarantee a long life over time


Every product, natural and dried, thanks to different coloring techniques, becomes an element always in step with market trends

Who we are

Fiori Secchi Armando e Giuseppe Guerrieri s.r.l.
Strada per Torre Mileto km. 10 
71015 San Nicandro G.co (Fg) ITALY
P.Iva 02200940712


Tel. 0882/496018
Fax 0882/496019
Email: info@fiorisecchiguerrieri.it


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